Saturday, October 18, 2008


There has been a lingering intention to start a blog since Rachel and I arrived in Zambia a little over a month ago. Time and a useable internet connection have proved themselves rare commodities though, so the intention endured as just that. But if Boris Johnson can find an hour on Sunday evening when he is not busy with his mayoral duties to write a column (which I get to read thanks to the Weekly Telegraph, but more of that some other time), then I’m sure we can do likewise and put a few words down about our African life (though I fear the readership of the two won’t compare). And temperamental internet connections are not quite the frustration they once were; after all, if one were to get frustrated at the sun for rising in the East every day then life would soon become quite unliveable. So here then, soon to follow, will be our Letters from Africa.

1 comment:

andy said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! The title perhaps owes something to Alistair Cooke? I trust though that your sojourn in Africa wont be as long as was his in the USA. Looking forward to some insightful stories here - no pressure though!