Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We have started rehearsing for the Christmas production, though I don’t yet know what the Christmas production is (I want to say the nativity but it’s such an easy answer). Years 3 to 6 are the chorus, so they just stand at the back and sing about Jesus and Mary to the tune of ‘My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean’.

During the first rehearsal I noticed four Year 6 boys sitting at the back, their lips motionless. I purposefully made my way over to where they were slumped, giving them my best disapproving stare as I approached.

‘If you don’t start singing I’m going to stand you up in front of everyone else here and make you sing these songs by yourselves. Do you understand?’ Four heads nodded uncomfortably.

Then, just as I was congratulating myself for performing my duties with such humour and zeal, one of the boys spoke: ‘Sir, we’re Muslim and we’re not allowed to sing these songs.’


1 comment:

andy said...

Oops indeed! Just as well Zambia isn't an officially Muslim country (unless of course you were seeking fame/notoriety via the headlines!)